Are Tiago Faith

It makes to look at us for the future, since in the Apocalypse the people clamava for justice saying: ' ' Until when, Sir true saint and, you will delay to make justia' '? (AP 6,9). When dialoguing with God the prophet discloses to us what she is seeing, a people who already does not cultivate more the love for Mr. and, in its relations, leaves to reign the injustice, the impiedade, the immorality, the violence, the destruction However, its shouts, initially, are not taken care of, it are without aid. Mr. answers to it making to have it hope and to live all that iniquidade with faith, therefore ' ' just f' will live for its; ' (Hab 1,4). But, what it is the faith? The faith, according to Hebrews, is ' ' an anticipated ownership of what if espera' ' (Hb 11.1).

So Paulo, for understanding what really it is the faith, insists on affirming that ' ' just it will live for f' ' (Rm 1,17; Gl 3.11). However, the Christian must not only consider the faith, but also the workmanships as he says in them Are Tiago: ' ' the faith, if will not have workmanships, is deceased in its isolamento' ' (Tg 2,17). It needs to come folloied of the workmanships to have ownership of what she expects: the perpetual life. Knowing that to reach the perpetual life the growth in the faith is urgent. A growth that if of the one in Christ, because even though ' ' the apstolos had said the Mr.: It increases our faith? ' ' (Lc 17,5). This if of the one in the constant perseverance in the pursuing the Christ; in the conjunct assdua, the constant search for the sacramentos He knows because you that its children are weak to believe therefore says: ' ' Men of little f' ' (TM 8,26) and he continues in Are Lucas ' ' If it had f' ' (Lc 17,6). The faith is condition to arrive itself at the perpetual dwelling. This faith that the man receives in its necessary Baptism to be stoned in the day the day to increase each time more.

For the Baptism it is that ' is had; ' access to f' ' , in it he is ' ' the key for? perpetual life? ' ' (Spe Salvi, N. 10). In this way, So Paulo recommends to all: ' ' The USA a compendium of the healthy words that of me you heard in substance of faith and love in Christ Jesus' ' (2 Tm 1,13), to the step that ' ' We are in service inteis' ' (Lc 17,10). However, I ask to you: ' ' we made what we had fazer' ' (Lc 17,10) to increase our faith? Until when we go to live immature in the faith? To *Joacir S. d? Abbey is deacon of the Diocese of Formosa-Go; it attended a course Philosophy and it is finishing theology in the SMAB; he is author of books: ' ' Opsculo of conhecer' ' (Cidadela), ' ' The charity and the problem of the poverty in periferia' ' (Agbook) and ' ' The Church of ressuscitado' ' (Virtual Books); it writes for periodicals: ' ' Al Vicentinos' ' (Formosa-GO) and ' ' Letter of notcias' ' (Ownership); it participated, per three years, of International Competition of Philosophy beyond keeping a Blog of Philosophical texts.